Surrey Police transition: A journey of transformation and innovation

The Surrey Police transition is a transformative journey that has been underway for the past several years. It is a bold and ambitious program aimed at modernizing the force, equipping it with the tools and capabilities it needs to meet the policing challenges of the 21st century.

At the heart of the transition is the recognition that policing is changing. Crime is becoming more complex and sophisticated, and the public's expectations of the police are higher than ever before. In order to meet these challenges, Surrey Police knew that it needed to change the way it operates.

The transition has involved a wide range of initiatives, including:

  • The introduction of new technology, such as body-worn cameras and mobile data terminals.
  • A reorganization of the force's structure, to make it more efficient and effective.
  • A focus on crime prevention and community engagement, to build stronger relationships with the people we serve.
  • A commitment to diversity and inclusion, to ensure that the force reflects the communities it serves.

The transition has not been without its challenges. There have been teething problems with the new technology, and the reorganization has led to some disruption. However, the force is committed to seeing the transition through, and the benefits are already starting to be seen.

The new technology is making it easier for officers to do their jobs. The body-worn cameras are providing valuable evidence, and the mobile data terminals are making it easier for officers to access information and share intelligence.

The reorganization has made the force more efficient and effective. The new structure has streamlined decision-making and improved communication.

The focus on crime prevention and community engagement is paying dividends. The force is working closely with communities to identify and address the issues that are important to them. This is leading to a reduction in crime and a greater sense of safety in our communities.

The commitment to diversity and inclusion is essential for building a police force that is representative of the communities it serves. The force has made significant progress in this area, and it is continuing to work to ensure that the force is open to everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances.

The Surrey Police transition is a journey of transformation and innovation. It is a bold and ambitious program that is already delivering benefits for the force and the communities it serves. The force is committed to seeing the transition through, and it is confident that it will emerge from the process as a stronger, more effective, and more inclusive police force.

Call to Action

We encourage you to get involved in the Surrey Police transition. There are a number of ways you can do this, such as:

  • Attend a public meeting.
  • Join a Community Action Group.
  • Follow us on social media.
  • Share your thoughts and ideas with us.

Your input is valuable, and it will help us to shape the future of policing in Surrey.


The Surrey Police transition is a reminder that policing is constantly evolving. The force must adapt to the changing needs of the communities it serves. The transition is a challenging but necessary process, and the force is committed to seeing it through.

We believe that the transition will ultimately make Surrey Police a stronger, more effective, and more inclusive police force. We are grateful for the support of our communities, and we look forward to working with them to build a safer, more prosperous future for Surrey.