Logan Thompson, P.C.: Navigating Legal Waters with Expertise


Dive into Legal Excellence

Welcome to the realm of Logan Thompson, P.C., where legal challenges are not hurdles but opportunities for triumph. Situated at 30 2nd St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311, United States, our law firm is your compass in navigating the often turbulent waters of the legal world.


The Legal A-Team

Choosing a lawyer is like assembling your legal Avengers. At Logan Thompson, P.C., we've got the A-Team of legal superheroes, each specializing in a unique superpower.

Criminal Justice Mavericks

When the legal storm hits, you need more than an umbrella; you need our criminal justice attorney, the mavericks of the legal world. They fight for justice with the tenacity of a superhero on a mission.

Divorce Whisperers

Divorce isn't just a legal process; it's an emotional rollercoaster. Our divorce lawyers are the whisperers, guiding you through the twists and turns with empathy and expertise, ensuring you emerge on solid ground.

Estate Planning Visionaries

Planning for the future requires vision. Our estate planning attorneys are the visionaries, mapping out strategies to safeguard your legacy. They turn legal complexities into a roadmap for your peace of mind.

Family Law Navigators

Family matters are like uncharted waters; you need skilled navigators. Our family law attorneys are the compass, guiding you through the complexities, ensuring fairness and justice prevail.


Personal Injury Advocates

Life's unexpected blows need a fierce response. Our personal injury attorneys are your advocates, fighting relentlessly to turn setbacks into comebacks. They're the legal champions you need in your corner.

Social Security Guardians

Navigating the bureaucratic maze demands guardians. Our social security attorneys are the guardians, ensuring you receive the benefits you deserve. They transform legal battles into triumphs.

Where Expertise Meets Respect

At Logan Thompson, P.C., our lawyers don't just boast expertise; they command respect. Respected by peers and clients alike, our legal luminaries have earned the prestigious *AV Preeminent rating for legal ability and ethical standards. Trust is not given; it's earned, and we've earned it through excellence.

Contact Us for Legal Assurance

Ready to sail the legal seas with confidence? Reach out to Logan Thompson, P.C. at +1 423-476-2251 or visit our website. Your legal assurance begins with us, where every case is a journey, and every client is a valued traveler!