Frost advisory

To All Frost Seekers
I don't know about you, but I find that frost does just the opposite of what it's supposed to do. Frost is supposed to be cold, but I find frost to be the most invigorating thing; it gives me a sense of hope. Frost is supposed to be a sign of death, but it's always seemed to me to be a sign of renewal, a sign that the world is getting ready to start over.
I remember when I was a child, I used to love to go out in the early mornings and look for frost. I would walk through the fields, and I would look for the most beautiful frost crystals. I would hold them up to the light and watch them sparkle. I would imagine that they were tiny diamonds, and I would pretend that I was a princess.
As I got older, I started to appreciate frost even more. I realized that it was a sign that the world was changing, and that it was time for me to change too. Frost was a reminder that I could let go of the past and start over. Frost was a reminder that I could be anything I wanted to be. Frost was a reminder that I could do anything I wanted to do.
I know that frost can be a little bit scary. It can seem like a sign that winter is coming, and that the cold is going to set in. But I hope that you will try to see frost in a new light. Frost is a sign of hope. It's a sign of renewal. It's a sign that the world is getting ready to start over.
So next time you see frost, don't be afraid. Embrace it. Let it fill you with hope. Let it inspire you to change. Let it remind you that you can be anything you want to be, and that you can do anything you want to do.