Experience of Web 2.0

This has been a real eye opener for me. I have always heard about the power of the internet, but for the better part I have remained a consumer and fallen very short of the "collaborator" status.

Even as a consumer, the fear of the unknown has to a greater extent held me back from exploring and realizing the potential that the Web has for me beyond thebrowsing and personal networking opportunities that I have so far experienced.

I think that the statement that the focus needs to remain on "Change" and not on the tools is Key. Knowing what our students need from us; knowing the type of skills that they are developing and using; and then trying to adapt how we can package information and present it learners will definitely take us forward.

As mentioned on the back channel for today's session, I have learnt more today about ways in which we could be presenting information to students that makes it accessible to them when they wish to view it; more interesting for them to access; and more interactive for them so that they have the sense of coconstructing the knowledge that they are interacting with.