Wisdom Kaye

Many of you may not know this, but before I was a professional Tarot reader, I was a social impact professional. I think this is kind of funny because the arcana (Trump cards, also known as Major Arcana) in Tarot represent stages of life that every human experiences.

I worked for a non-profit organization that dedicated itself to providing individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities the opportunity to live a full life. I was a job coach, recovery support specialist, and behavior support specialist. I got the chance to work with some really incredible people, and I learned a lot about myself and the world around me.

I learned that everyone has the potential to achieve great things, regardless of their circumstances. I learned that it's possible to find joy and happiness even in life's most difficult moments. And I learned that the most important thing we can do is to support each other.

I eventually left my job to pursue my passion for Tarot. I believe that Tarot can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. I think this because The cards can help us to understand our strengths and weaknesses, our hopes and fears, and our life's purpose. Tarot can also provide guidance and support during difficult times.

I have seen Tarot help people make positive changes in their lives. I have seen it help people to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. And I have seen it help people to find peace and healing from loss and addiction.

I believe that Tarot is a gift. It is a gift that can help us to understand ourselves better and to live more fulfilling lives. I am grateful for the opportunity to share this gift with others.

People often ask me if I miss working in the social impact sector. The answer is yes and no. I miss working with the people I worked with. I miss making a direct impact on their lives. But I don't miss the bureaucracy and the politics. I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to work in that field, but I'm also grateful that I'm now able to do work that I'm truly passionate about.

Tarot isn't just about predicting the future. It's about understanding yourself and your place in the world. It's about finding your purpose and living a life that's full of meaning and joy.

I find Tarot to be a great tool for self-discovery and personal growth. The cards can help us to understand our strengths and weaknesses, our hopes and fears, and our life's purpose. They can also provide guidance and support during difficult times.

I would encourage you to give Tarot a try. You might just be surprised at what you learn about yourself.