What Should You Know About Saggy Skin Treatment?

Sagging skin is a common sign of aging. It results from the skin losing suppleness with age. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity, becomes less firm, and droops downward. Lines and creases become more noticeable as a result.

The current treatments for sagging skin include surgery, laser therapy, and injections, to name a few. Aside from utilizing sunscreen and moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated, there are a number of other at-home skin sagging treatment you may try, like applying lemon juice or honey to your face for 10 minutes every other day. As a result of these remedies helping you combat aging symptoms, your skin will eventually start to appear healthier.

How to address sagging skin and cheeks in Singapore using the services of SL Aesthetic Clinic?

No matter how much we loathe it, skin sagging affects everyone.

Your face might have looked more bottom-heavy and angular, and the creases, like the laugh lines, might have been more obvious.

Moreover, you could notice that your skin no longer feels as tense and tight to the touch as it did previously.

All of these are indications that the skin on your face is sagging.

What Causes Sagging in Our Skin?

1. Reduction of collagen and elastin

The building blocks of elastic, healthy skin are collagen and elastin.

They produce the mesh that holds the skin in place by buckling under the force of gravity and keeping the skin taut and rigid.

Our skin loses collagen and elastin with age and sun exposure, which causes drooping because this supporting mesh becomes less elastic.

Due to the unique aging characteristics of each person's skin, genetics also have a role in how quickly we age.

Increasing collagen and elastin production is also a vital component of treating drooping skin, despite the fact that it declines with age.

2. Smaller volume

Our deep fat pads, which support the skin above them, and the face skeleton are crucial for maintaining a youthful appearance.

The majority of people are aware that as they get older, their skin becomes looser, but less people are aware that the structures that support their skin also deteriorate with time, giving them an even saggier appearance.