Tree Loppers Darwin

Tree lopping is equivalent to pruning the tree. The people who trim/prune/lop the tree are called tree loppers.


Often tree branches can keep growing and become a serious danger to their surroundings. Sometimes they will grow too wide and start affecting your or your neighbor’s property. They can start hitting the power cables and pose a danger to the power supply. If this begins to happen you need to call a tree lopper and lop the tree horizontally.

It is also possible that some of the branches may break with winds, get infected or are facing an inspect attack, once again you will need to lop the tree horizontally.


Similarly if your tree is growing vertically and is posing danger by its vertical growth or if the top of the tree is infected or facing a bug attack, you will need to prune the tree vertically.


Tree lopping is not just about saving property or power cables, lopping is essential to save the tree and help it to keep growing well.


Tree lopping is a serious skill. You should never attempt it on your own or by anyone who is not a tree expert. One wrong move can kill the tree, not mention that it can hurt and damage everything around it.


If you cut the tree too close to the trunk you could end up killing the tree. The tree has a cell close to the trunk that repairs and heals the tree when it loses branches or leaves. If these cells are cut out the tree can die.


This is why you should hire a tree lopping company to prune your tree.


Go to Google and type: “tree loppers Darwin”. You will see a list of tree loppers. Give them a call and tell them the details of the tree that needs lopping. Get a quote and have them take your of your tree problem.