
It's anything but a stretch to say that containing North Dundas champion forward Mike McNamee, envisioned at the group seat before Saturday's down, will be a key for the Prowlers in their first-round season finisher series. Photograph on Saturday, March 5, 2022, in Cornwall Ontario.Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network
It's anything but a stretch to say that containing North Dundas champion forward Mike McNamee, imagined at the group seat before Saturday's down, will be a key for the Prowlers in their first-round season finisher series. Photograph on Saturday, March 5, 2022, in Cornwall Ontario.Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network jpg, CO 메이저사이트

North Dundas Rockets lead trainer Robin Sadler. Photograph on Saturday, March 5, 2022, in Cornwall Ontario.Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network
North Dundas Rockets lead trainer Robin Sadler. Photograph on Saturday, March 5, 2022, in Cornwall Ontario.Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network jpg, CO

That is Cornwall workhorse goaltender Frederic Roy having a pre-game shower in his wrinkle prior to confronting the Rockets. Photograph on Saturday, March 5, 2022, in Cornwall Ontario.Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network
That is Cornwall workhorse goaltender Frederic Roy having a pre-game shower in his wrinkle prior to confronting the Rockets. Photograph on Saturday, March 5, 2022, in Cornwall Ontario.Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network jpg, CO

North Dundas Rockets goalie Matt Jenkins, in real life Saturday night against the Prowlers. Photograph on Saturday, March 5, 2022, in Cornwall Ontario.Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network
North Dundas Rockets goalie Matt Jenkins, in real life Saturday night against the Prowlers. Photograph on Saturday, March 5, 2022, in Cornwall Ontario.Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network jpg, CO

Counting Saturday's ordinary season finale, the Rockets and Prowlers will go head to head foir somewhere around three straight games, remembering the season finisher opener this Saturday for Chesterville. Photograph on Saturday, March 5, 2022, in Cornwall Ontario.Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network
Counting Saturday's ordinary season finale, the Rockets and Prowlers will go head to head foir somewhere around three straight games, remembering the season finisher opener this Saturday for Chesterville. Photograph on Saturday, March 5, 2022, in Cornwall Ontario.Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network jpg, CO

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In a web-based media message for fans before the last customary season game Saturday at the Benson Center, against North Dundas, Gagne said "we've had many snags this season with packing in a couple of extra consecutive games. Wounds were additionally an issue in endeavoring to handle our most ideal group for some games this season. However, we're solid now and desire to keep that prize here in Cornwall."

The Prowlers have a major test in front of them, and with so little edge for mistake. North Dundas is a through and through strong club that dominated 14 matches and completed only a point behind South Grenville in the East Division The third-place Prowlers dominated nine matches and completed nine focuses behind North Dundas.