토토사이트 검증

Martinson, notwithstanding, checked a 18-opening round of 44-40-84 to acquire the BSC competition's bronze award behind Redwood Valley partners Mila Jenniges (80) and Julian Brown (82) on Monday. Martinson birdied the standard 4 No. 12 and the standard 5 No. 18 to supplement five standards to top Fairmont's presentation. 토토사이트 검증

Totzke made tentative plans for a fourth-place individual absolute of 45-44-89 with six standards, while Anika Haugen tied Blue Earth Area's Katelyn Storbeck for fifth spot generally speaking at 90. Haugen shot a 47-43, featured by six standards, while Katelyn Storbeck — who acquired all-BSC praises by and large — discharged a 48-42 with a couple of standards for the Bucs (377).

Gustafson created a 53-41-94 by making birdie on the standard 4 fourteenth opening to go with four standards, while Senf enlisted a 44-50-94 in the strength of a group best seven standards.

Davis balanced Fairmont's work with consecutive 54s.

Kylie Rosenau, who tied for seventh spot during Monday's competition, and Payten Gudahl, who shared sixteenth by and large, likewise procured all-BSC awards for Blue Earth Area. Rosenau terminated a 45-46-91 with four standards, while Gudahl got consecutive 48s for a 96, including a group best five standards.

Rylan Storbeck finished the Bucs' including marks in Monday's occasion by shooting a 48-52-100 with two standards. Madison Ehrich and Liz Beeler covered Blue Earth Area's work with a 106 and a 107, with one and two standards, separately.

Fairmont junior Brock Lutterman, who acquired all-BSC praises, gathered Monday's young men competition medalist respects via checking a 4-north of 37-39-76 to top his arrangement's third-place all out of 336 — only oddball Marshall's next in line 335 and twelve behind in general meeting and competition champion St. Peter (324). Marshall, the West Division young men champ, demonstrated the BSC generally next in line.

Lutterman showed his abilities on the greens by dropping home birdies on the standard 5 third opening and the standard 4 No. 17. Lutterman likewise drove Fairmont with 11 standards, remembering a line of five for a column from No. 4 to No. 8 on Monday.

Hartley Aust tied for 10th during BSC competition activity Monday, with the threesome of Jacob Harris, Alexander Moeller and Mathew Cone — every all-gathering players — balancing Fairmont's counting scores on the meet.

Aust conveyed a 40-45-85 with eight standards, while Harris contributed a 44-43-87 to pack scoring punch. Harris birdied the standard 4 second opening and added four standards.

Moeller and Cone each checked 88s in transit to seven and six standards, separately. Moeller made plans for a 45-43 — featured by a birdie on the standard 5 eighteenth opening, while Cone counted a 42-46 with a birdie on the standard 5 6th opening.