Sisi Rondina

It's never easy to lose a loved one, especially to an illness we can't fully understand.
My grandmother, Sisi, was a strong woman who never let her illness define her. She was always smiling and positive and had a way of making everyone around her feel happy and loved.
She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease when she was in her early 60s. At first, it was just little things, like forgetting where she put her keys or what day it was. But as the disease progressed, it became more difficult for her to remember things and to care for herself.
It was heartbreaking to watch my grandmother change so drastically. She was once so independent and now she needed help with everything. But she never complained or gave up. She always kept a positive attitude and never lost her sense of humor.
On the day of Sisi's funeral, I couldn't help but cry. I was so sad that she was gone, but I was also so inspired by her strength and courage.
She taught me that no matter what life throws your way, you can always choose to be happy and to live your life to the fullest. I will never forget her, and I will always be grateful for the time I had with her.
She was a true inspiration, and her memory will live on in the hearts of everyone who knew her.
In honor of my grandmother, I have decided to start a fundraiser for the Alzheimer's Association. I hope that my story will inspire others to donate to this important cause.
Every dollar raised will help the Alzheimer's Association continue their vital work of providing support to families affected by Alzheimer's disease and funding research to find a cure.
Please consider donating today and help me make a difference in the lives of those affected by Alzheimer's disease.
Thank you for reading my story.
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