Selos by Shaira

Shaira Luna-Celis is a Filipino singer-songwriter known for her powerful vocals and her ability to write songs that move people. One of her most popular songs is "Selos," a ballad about the pain of jealousy.
The song was released in 2010 and quickly became a hit, topping the charts in the Philippines and other countries in Southeast Asia. It has been praised for its beautiful melody and its honest lyrics, which resonate with people who have ever experienced the feeling of jealousy.
In the song, Shaira sings about the pain of seeing someone you love with someone else. She describes the feeling of jealousy as a "dagger in her heart" and says that it makes her feel like she's "going to die."
Despite the pain, Shaira also sings about the importance of forgiveness. She says that she knows that her lover is not perfect and that he has the right to be happy with someone else. She also says that she hopes that one day she will be able to forgive him and move on.
"Selos" is a powerful song about the pain of jealousy and the importance of forgiveness. It's a song that will resonate with anyone who has ever experienced the feeling of jealousy and it's a song that will give you hope that you will one day be able to forgive and move on.
Personal Experience
I can relate to the song "Selos" because I have also experienced the pain of jealousy. I remember when I was in high school, I had a crush on a boy named Ryan. We were friends, but I always wished that we could be more.
One day, I found out that Ryan was dating another girl. I was so jealous that I could barely eat or sleep. I felt like my heart was breaking.
I eventually got over my jealousy, but it took me a long time. I had to learn to forgive Ryan and to move on with my life.
What I've Learned
The song "Selos" has taught me that jealousy is a normal human emotion. It's something that we all experience at some point in our lives. However, it's important to remember that jealousy is not a healthy emotion. It can lead to anger, resentment, and even violence.
If you're feeling jealous, it's important to talk to someone about it. A friend, family member, or therapist can help you to understand your feelings and to develop coping mechanisms.
It's also important to remember that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of strength. When you forgive someone, you're not saying that what they did was okay. You're simply saying that you're not going to let their actions control your life anymore.
Forgiveness is a process, and it takes time. But it's worth it. When you forgive someone, you free yourself from the burden of anger and resentment. And you open yourself up to the possibility of happiness.
Call to Action
If you're struggling with jealousy, I encourage you to listen to the song "Selos." It's a beautiful song that will help you to understand your feelings and to move on with your life.
I also encourage you to seek professional help if you're struggling to cope with jealousy. A therapist can help you to develop coping mechanisms and to learn how to forgive.