Security and Risk Complaints : Prevent Online Attacks this Year

A large number of cyberattacks and data breaches are recorded last 2016. Having poor security practices are one of the reasons why many people became a victim of cyberattacks, remember, the first layer of security begins with you.  To help you minimize the risks of your information being stolen and sold in the deep black market, here are some ways to increase your security online:

Annoying updates!

Software updates that keep on popping up can be very annoying. But the most important reason to keep your phone or computer up-to-date is for added security. Keeping your software updated is an important consideration that you must not set aside.

Phishing scams

Phishing scams are one of the most common but effective ways fraudsters use to obtain information from their target. You might get an email redirecting you to an almost similar website as your bank. What they want are your login details, thus, be very careful when clicking links and attachments.

Set an account recovery

You must create an account recovery to all your accounts in case of alarming incidents like having a trouble logging into your account. Account recovery such as alternate email address or phone number recovery is vital to verify your account when it gets compromised.

Create unique passwords

Don’t make it a habit of having similar passwords on all of your accounts as this may result in high vulnerability. Once the attacker access one of your accounts, it would be very easy for them to login on other accounts if similar passwords were used.

2 Factor Authentications (2FA)

We recommend 2-factor authentications or 2FA for added security on all your accounts. In this case, even after acquiring your username and password, they will need extra information before they can successfully access your account.

The tips mentioned above are simple ways to protect yourself against threats this 2017. Make sure to stay safe from cyberattacks by being well-informed on various tricks fraudster use to victimize online users.