Ray Ekpu: The Patriarch of Nigerian Journalism

By: A Fellow Journalist
A Personal Journey Through the Life and Times of the Legendary Newspaperman
As I sit to pen these words, I cannot help but feel a sense of trepidation and awe. It is not every day that one has the privilege of writing about a true journalistic titan, a man whose life and work have left an indomitable mark on the annals of Nigerian history. Ray Ekpu is not just a journalist; he is an institution, the very embodiment of what it means to be a fearless, ethical, and unwavering voice for the people.
My encounter with him began in the 1990s, as a young reporter eager to learn the ropes of this noble profession. I had the good fortune of attending a journalism workshop where Ekpu was a guest speaker. His presence was both imposing and inspiring. He spoke with a quiet authority, his eyes twinkling with wisdom and humor. His words, like the tip of a surgeon's scalpel, cut through the clutter, exposing the raw realities of our society.
I remember one particularly poignant moment. Ekpu was talking about the importance of holding those in power accountable. He said, "The role of the journalist is not to be a cheerleader for the government. Our duty is to ask tough questions, to expose wrongdoing, and to defend the rights of the voiceless."
His words struck a chord deep within me. In that moment, I realized that journalism was not just a job; it was a sacred calling. It was a way of making a difference in the world, of holding the powerful to account and giving a voice to the marginalized.
Over the years, I have had the privilege of meeting Ekpu on several occasions. Each encounter has been a masterclass in journalism. He possesses an unyielding commitment to truth and justice, a deep understanding of the human condition, and a rare ability to see through the fog of propaganda. He is a man of principle, who has never shied away from speaking truth to power, even at great personal risk.
One of the most impressive things about Ekpu is his unwavering optimism. Despite the challenges that journalists in Nigeria face on a daily basis, he remains steadfast in his belief that the truth will ultimately prevail. He always says, "The forces of darkness may prevail for a time, but in the end, light will always conquer."
Ekpu's legacy extends far beyond the pages of the newspapers he has edited. He has been a mentor and role model for generations of journalists, inspiring them to pursue the highest standards of their profession. He has also played a significant role in promoting press freedom and democracy in Nigeria.
As I reflect on Ray Ekpu's extraordinary life and career, I am filled with both gratitude and admiration. He is a true patriot, a dedicated journalist, and an exceptional human being. His work has not only shaped the course of Nigerian history but has also inspired countless others to believe in the power of the pen.
Today, as our nation faces new and daunting challenges, we need more journalists like Ray Ekpu. Journalists who are not afraid to speak the truth, to challenge the status quo, and to fight for the rights of all Nigerians. Journalists who are committed to the pursuit of justice and who believe that the pen is mightier than the sword.
Ray Ekpu is a national treasure. His contributions to Nigerian journalism are immeasurable. As we celebrate his life and work, let us all strive to live up to his example. Let us be fearless in the pursuit of truth, unwavering in our commitment to justice, and dedicated to the betterment of our nation.