Pro Axia Consultants Business Consulting Group in Osaka Tokyo Nagoya Japan: Maringo - Project Management


Project Management is a SAP certified add-on which brings project planning and controlling capabilities to SAP Business One. It suits both the Professional Services industry and the ECO (Engineering, Construction & Operations) Industry.

Our experience has taught us that managers, controllers or project managers need immediate access to updated information in order to make decisions at the right time on a solid data basis.

Project Management proposes a unique platform fully integrated to your ERP.

Besides efficient project planning and handling, Project Management covers:

  • Full integration of Project-related documents – Project Management will allow you to track any Sales, Purchase and Overhead activity.
  • Time and Expense tracking – your Employees can record their time and expenses through the Project Management’s web an mobile clients, as well as through TimeTouch (shop-floor time system).
  • Flexible project-oriented report designer.
  • Cross-Databases capabilities – you can monitor your project in a consolidated view even if several of your SAP Business One entities are involved.
  • Available in 11 languages, including Danish, English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, etc.
  • SAP Certified SAP Business One for versions 2007A and 8.8.