토토사이트 검증

Romania receives one-year ban from racing competition for 5 doping cases Gabriel Sincraian, one of the banned Romanian athletes, lost the medal at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro for another failed doping test. (Mike Ehrmann / Getty Images) Romania has been banned from competing in the Tokyo Competition for past doping cases, the International Weightlifting Federation decided in a decision issued on Thursday. five doping cases.  토토사이트 검증

These included the cancellation of four Romanian weights from the 2012 Olympics after a number of items were banned during their rehearsal examinations. One of the athletes, Gabriel Sincraian, lost the medal at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro to another. ule doping dara. Romania became the fourth country excluded from the competition to lift Tokyo away from Egypt, Malaysia and Thailand, who were also excluded for concerns related to doping. Fifteen countries could send fewer athletes to Tokyo for past doping, including Russia, Iran and Turkey. The IWF decision allows for the removal of the Romanian ban four months earlier on February 24. 15 if the Romanian government pays $ 50,000 and no other athletes or their employees violate the law against doping before that date.