Not All Kindness is Created Equal

You sure know that doing kind things makes you happy, but it becomes even sweeter when the good deed is returned. And how sweet it must have tasted to Francesco when he received a letter from the young boy whose life he had saved.

Some 50 years ago, young Francesco was playing on the beach when he spotted a
little boy struggling in the water. Without thinking, he jumped in and pulled the boy to safety.

Unknown to Francesco, the boy was the son of a wealthy Greek shipping magnate

The boy's father was so grateful to Francesco that he offered him a job with his company. Francesco accepted, and he eventually became a successful businessman.Years later, the boy, now a grown man, wrote to Francesco to thank him again for saving his life.

He told Francesco that he had never forgotten his kindness and that it had inspired him to do good deeds throughout his own life. He also told Francesco that he had named his own son after him.

What’s the catch, you may ask?

Not all acts of kindness are as straightforward as Francesco’s. Sometimes, what seems like a kind act can actually have unintended consequences. For example, you may give money to a homeless person, only to find out that they use it to buy drugs or alcohol.

That is not to say that you should never help others. But it does mean that you should be mindful of the potential consequences of your actions.

It is important to think about the potential consequences of your actions before you act, and to make sure that you are doing more good than harm

Sometimes, the best way to help someone is not to give them what they want, but to give
them what they need. That may mean tough love, but it can be the kindest thing you can do.

So next time you are thinking about doing a kind deed, take a moment to consider the potential consequences.

Will your actions really help the person you are trying to help? Or could they
actually do more harm than good?

By thinking carefully about the potential consequences of our actions, we can make sure that our kindness is truly making a difference in the world. It is the subtle, less known kindnesses that can make the biggest difference.