New Car Battery

Tips When Installing A New Car Battery


Getting a new car battery to replace a dead one is almost always necessary. And while it’s a wise choice to leave the installation of the battery to a professional, here are certain things that might help if you intend to change the battery out by yourself.

The first tip is to put your safety ahead of everything else. This includes investing in some disposable rubber gloves and safety goggles. You might want to keep some cleaning materials handy too. This brings us to the second tip which is to park on a level surface while engaging your parking brake and turning the engine off. The last tip is to inspect the tray below the old battery. If you find rust or any corrosive deposits, you can clean it with a solution of baking soda dissolved in water before installing the new car battery.

With these tips in mind and carefully following the instruction manual, you can install a new car battery on your own. But remember, you might need to search for tutorials online if your vehicle has an advanced computer that requires coding or reprogramming when fitting new batteries.