Meet the Grahams Lyrics

Now the neighbors upstairs are jumping again

And the one next door just won't stop her nagging

The guy down the street with the old pickup

Keeps driving it fast, never giving up

Well the Grahams are on bloody holiday

And they're stuck in the traffic, getting no way

Grandma's bumbling in the back

And the kids are yelping, "Where's the shack?"


Meet the Grahams, they're a lovely bunch

But their holidays are full of crunch

They're always running late

And they never seem to get a break

Auntie Mary's brought her big bulldog

And he's scaring the sheep in the field

Uncle Bob's been drinking all day long

And he's singing war songs, out of tune

"The Grahams are here!"

The neighbors all shout

As the family piles out

Of their old Volkswagen van

With a surfboard on top

  • It's chaos, it's mayhem
  • It's the Grahams' way
  • They're a family of misfits
  • But they're always having a laugh

So if you ever see the Grahams on holiday

Don't be surprised if they're in a bit of a fray

They may be a little loud

But they've got the best sense of humor around


Meet the Grahams, they're a lovely bunch

But their holidays are full of crunch

They're always running late

And they never seem to get a break

But one thing's for sure, their holidays are never dull