Magnum Ice Cream recall: What you need to know

Hey ice cream lovers!
I bet you're as shocked as I was to hear about the recent Magnum Ice Cream recall. It's a bummer, especially since we're all craving a sweet treat right about now. But fear not, I've got all the details you need to stay safe and satisfied.
What's the scoop?
Magnum has issued a voluntary recall for specific batches of their Magnum Double Chocolate and Magnum Almond bars in the United States. The issue? A potential presence of small metal fragments in the ice cream. Now, before you panic, let me assure you that no injuries have been reported so far.
Which batches are affected?
Here's the tricky part. Only certain production codes are impacted, so not all Magnum bars are affected. Check your freezer stash and look for these codes on the bottom of the box:
  • 92072635
  • 92072643
  • 92072644
  • 92072645
  • 92072646
What should you do?
If you have any Magnum bars with these codes, don't eat them! Instead, return them to the store where you bought them for a full refund. You can also contact Magnum's customer service team at 1-800-331-8830.
What caused the issue?
Magnum is still investigating the source of the metal fragments. However, they've assured us that they're taking all necessary precautions to prevent this from happening again.
Is anything else affected?
Nope! Only the specific batches of Magnum Double Chocolate and Magnum Almond bars with the affected codes are being recalled. All other Magnum products are safe to enjoy.
Final thoughts
I know this recall is a bummer, but safety always comes first. So, if you have any affected Magnum bars, please follow the return instructions. And don't worry, there are plenty of other delicious ice cream options out there to satisfy your cravings!
Meanwhile, I'll be patiently waiting for Magnum to resolve this issue so I can enjoy my favorite chocolatey treat without the worry of metal fragments. Until then, stay sweet and safe, my fellow ice cream enthusiasts!