Javon Baker Mischievous Little Brother, Caring Friend

You never forget your little brother's face when he pulls a prank on you. The mischievous glint in his eyes, the wide, innocent smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes and the stifled laughter that threatens to erupt at any moment. My little brother Javon is no exception. Growing up together, our childhood was filled with laughter, pranks, and countless memories that I wouldn't trade for anything.
As kids, Javon was the ultimate prankster. One time, he convinced me that if I ate 100 gummy bears in one sitting, I would be able to shoot lasers out of my eyes. I believed him. Needless to say, I didn't gain any superpowers that day, but Javon had a good laugh at my expense.
Despite his mischievous nature, Javon has a heart of gold. He's always there for me, through thick and thin. When I was going through a tough time in school, Javon was the one who listened to me vent and offered words of encouragement. When my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, Javon drove for hours to come and help me. He's the kind of brother who will drop everything to be there for the people he cares about.

As we've gotten older, Javon has matured into a responsible young man. He's still the same funny, caring person I've always known, but he's also become more serious about his future. He's a hard worker and is determined to make something of himself. I'm so proud of the man he's become.

Javon, I know you're reading this, so I just want to say, "Thank you for being my brother. I love you more than you'll ever know."