Is your surname making you ill?

Is your surname making you ill?

Imagine you are a reporter. You start investigating your own last name, looking into its history and origin. And to your astonishment, you find that the meaning of your last name is connected to how long you will live! If your last name means "son of health", you will live a long time. If it means "son of death", you are likely to die young.

Is this just another urban legend, or is there any truth to this?

Of course, it is impossible to determine how long you will live just by looking at your last name. But there is some research that suggests there may be a connection between your last name and your health.

One study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, found that people with certain last names were more likely to die from certain diseases. For example, people with the last name "Smith" were more likely to die from heart disease.

  • This study is just one example of the research that is being done on the connection between last names and health. While it is not yet clear exactly how last names affect health, there is some evidence to suggest that there may be a link.
  • What does this mean for you?

    If you are concerned about your health, it is important to talk to your doctor. Your doctor can help you determine if there are any lifestyle changes you can make to improve your health.

    In the meantime, you can take comfort in knowing that your last name is not the only factor that will determine how long you will live.

    • There are many other factors that play a role, including your genetics, your lifestyle, and your environment.

    • So, what does your last name mean?

      The meaning of your last name can vary depending on its origin. Some last names are based on occupations, such as "Smith" or "Carpenter". Others are based on geographic locations, such as "Hill" or "River". And still others are based on physical characteristics, such as "Brown" or "White".

      If you are curious about the meaning of your last name, there are several ways to find out. You can look it up in a book of surnames, or you can search for it online.

      Once you know the meaning of your last name, you may be surprised to learn that it has a connection to your health. So, if you are looking for a way to improve your health, start by taking a closer look at your last name.