Iris Lee: On Dreams, Passion, and Living Life in Rainbows

A little bit of whimsy, a whole lot of determination, and the belief that anything is possible.

  • I'm Iris, an artist who wears many hats (and paint-splattered aprons).
  • I've been chasing my dreams since I was a little girl, armed with a paintbrush and an imagination that knew no bounds.
  • Through the years, I've learned that passion is the fuel that keeps the fire burning, even when the canvas seems daunting.

Life is a beautiful canvas, my friends, and we are the artists who paint it. Every stroke, every color, and every brushstroke shapes the masterpiece that is our existence. But sometimes, life throws us curveballs. Sometimes, the colors seem to fade, and the inspiration seems to dry up. That's when we need to dig deep, find our inner spark, and reignite the passion that drives us.

For me, this passion is art. It's the way I express myself, connect with the world, and bring a splash of color to the lives of others. But it wasn't always easy. There were times when I doubted my abilities, times when the critics' voices seemed to drown out my own. But through it all, I held onto my dream, because I knew that my passion was worth fighting for.

And so, I kept painting. I kept experimenting. I kept pushing myself out of my comfort zone. And slowly but surely, I started to find my voice, my style, and my place in the world of art. Each brushstroke became a step closer to living the life I had always dreamed of, a life filled with passion, purpose, and an endless supply of rainbows.

I know that not everyone has the luxury of pursuing their passion as their profession. But I believe that we all have a spark within us, a unique gift that we can share with the world. It might not be art, but it might be music, writing, teaching, or simply making others smile.

Whatever your passion is, don't be afraid to embrace it. Nurture it, cultivate it, and let it guide you on your journey. Because when you live a life in rainbows, you'll find that even the stormiest days are filled with beauty and possibility.

So go ahead, my fellow dreamers. Pick up your brushes, your pens, your instruments, or whatever tools ignite your passion. And let the colors of your dreams paint a masterpiece that will inspire and enchant the world.

Because in the end, it's not about the destination, but the journey itself. It's about the joy of creation, the fulfillment of expression, and the belief that anything is possible if you dare to dream it and live it in rainbows.