Hurst Boiler and Welding Company Inc. Wood Fired Boilers

Hurst Boiler provides its clients with the support and expertise necessary to design, fabricate and install complete wood boiler systems from the fuel storage system thru exhaust gas emission mitigation.Various Hybrid Wood Boiler designs are suitable for applications to produce high pressure steam or hot water in ranges from 3,450 - 60,000 lbs/hr (3.4 mmBTU - 60 mmBTU) output from 100 up to 400 PSI.

These systems are designed by HBC to combine the best technologies from the "old school" of biomass combustion and the latest new technologies of advanced combustion control.

The boiler vessel in each of these systems is a two pass hybrid design incorporating a water tubed boiler-type water membrane and a two-pass fire tube scotch marine vessel. These boilers advantages over standard water tube boilers include a much larger steam disengagement area providing high quality steam, larger steam storage capability for quicker response to sudden steam demand, and much larger thermal storage that provides fast demand response times and safer operation.