Group Health Insurance by Bricon Associates PTE LTD

Company Insurance for various businesses:

Our employees and their families need the reassurance that wherever they are in the world and whatever happens, they can rely on receiving assistance to obtain prompt access to expert medical treatment and care. We serve companies in the various industries, including any established company in Oil and Gas, Maritime and many others. Please contact us to learn more about our insurance products.

-Company Coverage

-Oil and Gas Coverage

-Maritime Coverage

-International School Coverage

If you don’t have health insurance then you’re playing a very risky game. A hospital visit without health insurance can easily rack up a bill in the thousands. Especially if you have to have emergency surgery or something like that.

Health insurance covers your medical costs and helps you get in and out of hospitals with no worries about your finances. It’s a small cost that can go a long way. Can you really put a price on your health? See what affordable health insurance plans there are for you today and don’t take a chance with something as important as your life. You only get one after all.

We offers four levels of cover: Gold Superior, Gold, Classic and Essential.

Essential, which covers all in-patient costs and outpatient surgical operations.

Classic, Which builds on the Essential offering but also includes cover for out-patient treatment such as x-rays, consultation fees and complementary medicines.

Gold, which is a comprehensive level of cover that includes additional benefits such as family doctor treatment, prescribed drugs and dressings and accidental dental treatment.

Gold Superior, which is the most comprehensive level of cover. Includes further additional benefits including optical cover.