The Role of AI in the Future of Workforce Management

A new technology on the market has been changing the face of workforce management over the past few years. GPS tracking, employee monitoring software, and even Workforce Management systems have been updated with artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities that are sure to make you re-think how your business can use the latest tools to be more productive, more efficient, and more innovative than ever before. Here’s what you need to know about AI in the future of workforce management.

Real-time Data Collection
GPS tracking systems collect real-time data that can be used to gain insight into how employees use their time and where they are throughout a workday. The GPS devices, worn as badges or mobile phones, report location information to an all-in-one workforce management system, which then pulls in data from employee timekeeping systems and other productivity software to provide real-time visibility into employee activity.

Employee Feedback Survey
With a GPS tracking system and employee monitoring software, employers can get real-time feedback from employees that helps organizations stay nimble and responsive to their workers’ needs. Real-time data from GPS tracking systems allows organizations to take actions like adjusting breaks or providing additional training based on areas where people struggle or seem confused. Rather than relying on one-off phone calls, managers can use real-time information to proactively address problems so they don’t end up snowballing into bigger issues.

Predictive Analytics
As algorithms get better at reading our minds, predictive analytics will become more and more popular in both personal and professional applications. Employees will be able to predict how long their manager is likely to take for a bathroom break—and adjust their own schedule accordingly. GPS tracking systems that monitor an employee's location, productivity, and other behavior patterns will become even more common as bosses try to maximize efficiency among their teams.

Location Tracking
At first, it might seem that GPS tracking is a relatively simple use case for artificial intelligence. After all, most employees already carry mobile phones which are constantly connected to cell towers and Wi-Fi hotspots. If a company has opted for an advanced workforce management system (WFM) or employee monitoring software solution, then it can just as easily track employees via their phone’s GPS signal.

Scheduling Optimization
The GPS tracking system is an invaluable asset to workforce management. Instead of counting on man-hours or gut feeling when it comes to scheduling, some businesses use software and hardware that integrates seamlessly with their current workforce management system. The employee monitoring software keeps track of when employees clock in, how often they take breaks, where they’re located at all times – data that can be used for planning and scheduling workers for maximum efficiency.

Cost Optimization
By using artificial intelligence and machine learning, businesses can save on labor costs while increasing employee efficiency. With these advancements, companies can adapt to worker attrition and reduce idle time to increase profitability. Employers will also see reduced turnover rates as workers are happier with their jobs.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that artificial intelligence is going to make a huge impact on how we manage our workforce in 2022. What do you think will be most valuable? How do you see companies taking advantage of these new technologies? Do you have any predictions for other industries too? Let us know your thoughts by adding your comments below.

SOURCE: How Can AI change the Face of Workforce Management in 2022?