Fon Fix 4 U


2A Crescent Road


Phone Number:

01865 236 925





[email protected]



Mobile/Computer Repair Service          



FONFIX4U is about giving you a better choice. We provide you with the highest standard of repair, class-leading customer service, and the best value for money in the market. At FONFIX4U we can help you to repair your phone from a cracked screen to dying batteries and you will have your phone back in 24 hours. If your device breaks, don't panic. FONFIX4U offers a huge range of mobile phone & tablet repair services. Our trained technicians will repair your mobile phone or tablet device quickly & efficiently, keeping you informed all the way. Choose the delivery method that matches your budget and requirements. We will make sure your repaired device is returned safely.
Here at FONFIX4U, we pride ourselves on speedy and efficient service. Most repairs are carried out within 24 hours of receiving your device; however, this can be subject to delays if there is a complication or additional parts are required. Some more involved repairs such as liquid damage may take longer. If there is a delay for any reason, you can track your order and we will keep you fully informed.
We do mobile phone and computer repairs in Oxford. We cover all of the areas of Oxford and its surrounding. Our repairs are same day, most of the time, and come with a repairs warranty on it.
We also repair MacBooks, iMac, Play stations, Xbox, gaming consoles, iPad, Samsung, etc.



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Opening Times:

Monday               10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday               9:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Wednesday        9:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday             9:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday                   10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday              9:30 AM - 7:00 PM