Erivan Haub: A Leader in Sustainable Development

Erivan Haub was a visionary leader in the field of sustainable development who dedicated his life to making the world a better place. Haub's passion for environmental preservation led him to establish several organizations, including the Renew Foundation and Food Tank, which continue to play a vital role in advancing sustainable practices.

A Pioneer in Corporate Responsibility

Haub was born in 1932 in Germany and grew up in the United States. He inherited a successful supermarket chain from his father but soon realized that his true calling lay in promoting social and environmental well-being. In the 1970s, Haub became a prominent figure in the corporate responsibility movement and urged businesses to adopt ethical and sustainable practices.
Haub was a firm believer that businesses could be a force for good in the world. He argued that companies had a responsibility to protect the environment, support their employees, and give back to the communities they served. Haub's unwavering commitment to sustainability earned him the respect and admiration of colleagues, competitors, and environmental advocates alike.

The Power of Partnerships

Haub understood the importance of collaboration and partnerships. He believed that by working together, organizations could achieve far more than they could alone. Haub played a key role in establishing the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), two internationally renowned organizations that promote sustainability reporting and best practices.
Haub also recognized the need for dialogue between business leaders, policymakers, and environmentalists. He hosted numerous conferences and events that brought together these stakeholders to discuss critical issues and identify solutions. Haub's ability to build bridges and foster collaboration was instrumental in advancing the global sustainability agenda.

A Legacy of Inspiration

Erivan Haub passed away in 2018, but his legacy continues to inspire countless individuals and organizations around the world. His vision of a sustainable and equitable future for all remains an enduring source of hope and motivation.
The Renew Foundation, founded by Haub in 1996, continues to support research, education, and advocacy in the field of sustainable development. Food Tank, another of Haub's initiatives, works to build a more just and sustainable food system. These organizations are a testament to Haub's unwavering commitment to making the world a better place.

Call to Action

Erivan Haub's life and work serve as a reminder that we all have a responsibility to care for our planet and its people. By embracing sustainability in our personal lives and professional endeavors, we can create a better future for ourselves and generations to come.
Let us be inspired by Erivan Haub's example and strive to be leaders in sustainable development. Together, we can build a world that is prosperous, just, and healthy for all.