Donald Trump: Making America Great Again?

I'm not a big fan of politics, but the candidacy of Donald Trump has me intrigued, if not slightly confused.
He's a successful businessman, but does that make him qualified to be president?
He's a master of self-promotion, but is he too self-centered to be an effective leader?
He's made some controversial statements, but is he really a racist and a sexist?
These are all questions that I've been asking myself as I've been following the election. I don't have all the answers, but I'm hoping that by sharing my thoughts, I can encourage you to think about the issues and make your own informed decision.
I have to admit, there are some things about Trump that I like. He's not afraid to speak his mind, and he's not afraid to challenge the status quo. He's also a strong supporter of the military and law enforcement.
But there are also some things about Trump that I don't like. He can be very thin-skinned and he often attacks those who disagree with him. He also has a history of making sexist and racist comments.
I know that many people are very excited about the possibility of a Trump presidency. They believe that he will shake up Washington and make America great again. But I'm not so sure. I think that he could be a very dangerous president. He is impulsive and he doesn't seem to have a good understanding of foreign policy. I'm afraid that he could lead us into a war or a recession.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't vote for Trump. I'm just saying that you should do your research and make an informed decision. Don't just vote for him because he's a celebrity or because he's a Republican. Vote for him because you believe that he is the best candidate for the job.
The decision of who to vote for is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer. But I hope that by sharing my thoughts, I have given you some things to think about.