Describe yourself essay example
Abortion thesis:
Electricity Essay Bra Taluppsats Uppsatsen Om Den Neolitiska Revolutionen - Thin, circular development fails to fully clarify the meaning and relevance of this argument. In the first body paragraph, the writer asserts that machines constantly break down and offers only an unexamined comparison between humans and machines as support—machines break down, but humans do not. In essence, this claim is repeated rather than developed. Likewise, the second body paragraph makes a reasonable but unsupported claim, and the third body paragraph repeats the writer’s first reason before returning to an idea presented in the introduction. As a result, weak ideas and analysis are not strengthened by way of development and support.Well Machines are good but they take people jobs like if they don’t know how to use it they get fired and they’ll find someone else and it’s more easyer with machines but sometimes they don’t need people because of this machines do there own job and there be many people that lack on there job but the intelligent machines sometimes may not work or they’ll brake easy and it’s waste of money on this machines and there really expensive to buy but they help alot at the same time it help alot but at the same time this intelligent machines work and some don’t work but many store buy them and end up broken or not working but many stores gets them and end up wasting money on this intelligent machines’ but how does it help us and the comunity because some people get fired because they do not need him because of this machines many people are losing job’s because of this machines.
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