The Benefits Of Solar Photovoltaic Panels And Roof Insulation Have Been Extended To Include More Parties

The number of vulnerable groups that are eligible to receive sponsorship for the installation of photovoltaics and thermal insulation of roofs has been increased by the cabinet to include eight new categories of individuals or families.

The list of vulnerable households is growing by 30,000, bringing the total number of homes to 80,000 as the Energy Minister Natasa Pilides revealed on Monday that the additional categories, which include significant improvements in the categories that already existed, the list of vulnerable households are expanding.

Pilides mentioned that the budget for this plan is going to be increased by 40 million euros so that it can cover more households, regardless of whether or not they are vulnerable, in the months ahead.

The minister recalled that at the present time, the Energy Ministry has sponsorship plans running that primarily concern green transition and entrepreneurship totalling €160 million, while at the same time, an additional €350 million have been spent by the government on short-term and other measures. In total, €500 million have been spent.

Because of the rise in the cost of fuel, this additional forty million euros will come from the RES-ES fund, which already has some reserves built up conservatory roof insulation panels. According to Pilides's explanation, "as a result, this stock is being used to move towards the green transition while also assisting the public in reducing the cost of electricity."

The new list of beneficiaries includes individuals who fall into eight distinct categories. These include families with an annual income of up to €19,500 and dependent children up to the age of 18 who receive child benefits; recipients of a mobility allowance for kidney patients who undergo hemodialysis; kidney patients who undergo peritoneal dialysis; and individuals who are affected by multiple sclerosis.

In addition, it includes people who are recipients of a unique monthly pension from the conservatory roof insulation, people who are afflicted with laryngeal cancer and have had their larynx removed, people who have had a heart transplant, and people who suffer from Raynaud syndrome.

While this was happening, decisions were made to change the existing categories. These changes were made because large families and families with five members that receive child benefits are now considered to fall into the category. Previously, there were some narrower criteria, but these are now expanding.

In addition, low-income pensioners who receive an additional benefit do not need to be over the age of 70 in order to be considered eligible for this group.

As the minister came to a conclusion, he stated that "it is the best way to reduce the cost of electricity," and therefore "we urge all citizens to look at the plan and make use of it."

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