Car Battery Online: Things To Look Out For When Shopping For One

A car battery is the heart of your car. It is the integral component for starting the engine and powering up all the crucial electrical parts of your ride. Unlike most car parts, this has a limited lifespan and may require replacement once it starts having problems, both minor and major ones. This is why once this happens, most people start to look for cheapest car batteries online that they can purchase to avoid delays in their schedule due to a dead battery.

However, there are a few things that should be taken into consideration when you buy a car battery online. They include the following:

Pick a recognised brand

When you buy new car battery, it’s better if you consider looking into brands. Aside from quality products, a recognised name brand will surely have better customer support, which can help you especially if you have battery problems while you are under warranty.

Pick the right grade

Choose a higher grade battery if you plan on using your vehicle for 5 to 10 years, as these are made to last longer. But if you are going to be selling or trading it soon, select the minimum battery-grade that will get you by in the meantime.

Find your battery group size

All kinds of car batteries are grouped by size. It indicates the measurements of the battery case as well as the orientation of the battery terminals or posts. In order to find the right battery for your car, you’ll need to know the group size.

Find your batteries minimum cold-cranking amps

On cold climates, your car will certainly need a specific amount of amperage to start. If your battery doesn’t have sufficient amperage to turn over in cold weather, it won’t start, and you’ll be stranded. This is why before you buy new car battery, make sure to check how many amps it requires to avoid such circumstances.

Check the battery's age

Old batteries tend to work slower and poorer compare to the new ones. Be sure to check the manufacturing date on any replacement batteries you are considering purchasing for your vehicle. Generally, a battery is considered "fresh" if it is less than six months old.

The problem is manufacturing dates are rarely listed in conventional notation. Instead, 2-character alphanumeric codes are used to express the age of a car battery. The first character will be a letter from A to L, representing the month of manufacture; the second character will be a number from 0 to 9, representing the year of manufacture.

Check the battery's reserve capacity

The reserve capacity (RC) of your battery is what they refer to as "standing power." This is the amount of time the battery can continuously supply the minimum voltage necessary to run your car should the alternator or fan belt fail. With an excellent reserve capacity rating, your car can run on its battery alone if the alternator stops working.

Do not simply select the battery with the longest reserve capacity you can find. Consult your owner's manual to learn the recommended reserve capacity rating for your particular car model. Only choose batteries whose RC ratings fall within the recommended range listed in your vehicle owner's manual.

Shop around

Compare the price of car batteries sold at every car battery store you find. If possible, browse prices online or call the shop to find out how much they charge for the type of batteries you need. This would enable you to save time and effort.

Buy a battery that has good reviews

Car batteries are tested by consumer organisations and auto enthusiasts. So it’s better if you check the websites or blogs of these organisations to get more information about the types of car batteries sold there. You can also browse through the product reviews of your prospective car battery store for this.

Confirm you’ve got the right part

Before you pay and check out of your chosen car battery shop, make sure you are buying the right products for your car. Auto shop employees should be able to look up the make and model of your car to determine if you’re buying the right battery.

Since most car batteries only last around three to five years, buying a new car battery online during those times is the best thing to do. Regardless if you just saw some minor problems, it may be more practical to replace it as soon as possible since letting a damaged battery under your car hood can also damage your alternator. In addition to this, a defected battery can suddenly stop and get you stranded in an unfamiliar place. Start evaluating your battery today and make use of this list of factors to consider once you decide to acquire a new one.