Can't Count on This! Rachel Riley's Maths Mishaps

A quickfire countdown to some of the most hilarious mathematical mishaps from our favorite Sudoku Solver. "It's not rocket science!" they cry, but sometimes even the most brilliant minds have a temporary lapse of mathematical reasoning. Join me on a wild numerical adventure as we explore the world of Rachel Riley's mathematical mishaps.

It all started with a simple tweet. "12 x 12 = 132?" she innocently inquired. The internet erupted in a symphony of mathematical giggles. It was like watching a fluffy puppy try to solve a calculus problem. Sorry Rachel, but it's actually 144. We can forgive her though, after all, everyone makes mistakes. Right?

But wait, there's more!

Not long after the 12 x 12 blunder, Rachel attempted to multiply 7 by 8. The answer? 42. Yes, the same answer as the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything! She must have been channeling her inner Douglas Adams. Still, it's hard to imagine that one of the sharpest minds in the country could get such a simple multiplication wrong. Perhaps there was a temporary glitch in the Sudoku matrix.

But fear not, dear readers! Rachel isn't the only one who's had mathematical misadventures. Albert Einstein, the great physicist himself, reportedly struggled with basic arithmetic. So, if you've ever felt like a mathematical misfit, take solace in the fact that even geniuses can sometimes stumble over numbers.

So, next time you're feeling down about your mathematical prowess, just remember Rachel Riley. It's not always easy being a numbers whiz. But hey, at least she makes us laugh along the way!