Bradley John Haddy Attorney At Law: Eagan Embezzlement Attorney

Embezzlement is an unusual offense in that it involves moneys that you legally had in your control but were not yours. It is very tempting to take small or large amounts, thinking that you can cover your tracks, or that no one will find out.


Sadly, many people fall for the temptation, and are surprised or shocked when facing investigation, prosecution and possible jail time. Penalties may also include restitution, probation, fines, and a criminal record. The severity of the penalties depends on the amount of money and other circumstances including your past record.


White collar crimes such as embezzlement, theft, larceny and money laundering involve no violence, but you can go to jail if convicted. If charged as a felony you face a year or more in prison. You may have a fine career going, but these charges or conviction can end it abruptly.


Call a Twin Cities White Collar Crimes Lawyer


If you even suspect that you are being investigated, contact me immediately. Under no circumstances should you make a statement to police or prosecutors without your attorney present. Any statement you make can be manipulated to pin all of the blame on you. Any information you provide can lead to more damaging evidence.


I, attorney Bradley John Haddy, can advise you and represent you in any white collar crime charges. I will work to minimize publicity, avoid charges being filed, and negotiate with prosecutors to reduce charges and potential penalties.