Benefits of HCG diet

HCG diet is a weight loss program that has been around for decades. It is the only FDA approved diet plan to lose weight without feeling hungry or deprived because it provides your body with essential vitamins and minerals, while you are on a very low-calorie diet. HCG Dieters typically end up losing an average of 18 pounds in a span of 12 days! If you are looking for a diet that is medically sound, easy to follow and has the potential to help you lose weight quickly then HCG may be for you. The first thing that should be discussed about the HCG Diet is what it stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It's an all-natural hormone found in pregnant women that helps them maintain energy levels during pregnancy. The hormone can also help individuals on this diet maintain their energy levels as they see results from the program with fewer hunger cravings than other diets experience. When combined with proper eating habits (healthy food choices), exercise (with or without exercise equipment), and lifestyle changes, the hormone also helps to preserve muscle mass while shedding fat.

The HCG Diet is a unique nutrition plan that's designed to help dieters lose weight without feeling hungry or having low energy levels. While other diets may leave people feeling famished, this one doesn't because you're taking in healthy foods along with the HCG Drops. It works by utilizing how your body metabolizes different types of food--it allows you to take in lean proteins (like eggs, chicken, and beef), vegetables (lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes), fruits (berries are highly recommended), grain carbohydrates (oatmeal for breakfast anyone?), nuts/nut butter and certain fats like coconut oil or flaxseed oil. These foods will give you the nutrients your body needs, plus they'll keep your energy levels up so you can stay active. This is a good thing since exercise is actually encouraged on the Southern California Center for Anti-Aging’s HCG Diet plan.

Unlike other diets, which require dieters to starve themselves and do away with almost every type of food they love eating, this has been formulated carefully and designed to put people into Ketosis (a metabolic state where your body burns stored fat cells to produce energy). By taking in only specific types of foods mentioned above and staying around 1000 calories per day, ketosis takes place within roughly 36 hours. During this time frame, you should not feel hungry as your body literally goes through the process of burning off stored fat (fat cells) to produce energy. As a result, you will experience weight loss at a rapid rate, which is just what most users of this diet plan are aiming for. The diet itself encourages healthy eating and avoids over-consumption of food items that contain carbs or sugar levels that could potentially disrupt Ketosis. If you have any questions about specific foods not mentioned on the list listed above, be sure to ask your Dietician/Physician before you begin the diet plan. The HCG Diet plan has been clinically proven to ease hunger pain while burning off stored fat from our own bodies.


Southern California Center for Anti-Aging is a premier provider of hormone replacement therapy and testosterone replacement therapy treatments. Hormone replacement therapy is a type of treatment that can be utilized by those who have been diagnosed with hormone deficiencies. This form of treatment has many benefits, such as the ability to help reduce symptoms associated with menopause and improve cardiovascular health. In most cases, hormone replacement therapy treatment will involve replacing one or more hormones typically found in low levels during menopause. For example, estrogen may be replaced through vaginal creams or injections if it has been lost due to decreased ovarian function or removal of both ovaries during a hysterectomy.Progesterone might also be given as a supplement for women going through perimenopause, a stage in a woman's life when the body begins to prepare for menopause. Southern California Center for Anti-Aging is the leading weight loss clinic. We offer a variety of treatments, including hormone therapy and HCG diet, to help their patients lose weight quickly. We also provide nutrition counseling with certified dietitians who will work with you to design an eating plan that fits your lifestyle. If you are looking for a weight loss clinic that can provide quick results then contact the Southern California Center for Anti-Aging today!