Project 1

Alex L

Tonia P.






People Vs. Nature

For as long as humans have roamed this planet, we have been leaving things behind rather it be food, shelter or a wrapper of any kind, and think nothing of it. Well it looks like it all has caught up to us because even when we throw thing away it doesn’t just magically disappear to never be seen again. A lot of today’s trash in is making its way into rivers and oceans harming innocent life forms who come across it. We need to make change and do a better job on making sure our trash is put in the correct place, so animals don’t continue to get sick and die from our trash.

The average person throws away about 4.3 pounds of trash out a day over a year that adds up to 1569.5 pounds of trash just to give you an idea how much we really throw away. That’s just one person so we really do throw away a lot of stuff and a lot of the stuff we throw away is reused in some way or recycled. But we are getting to the point where it seems like too much where we have to start littering in the rivers and oceans harming animals that come across our garbage. There was a recent law passed allowing a certain amount of waste to be dumped into rivers close by factories. It seems to me that people don’t care enough to stop this issue we will only continue but will smaller amounts of trash be being disposed of in inappropriate ways.

Littering has become such a huge issue but knowing that people will still litter any time they can, I’ve seen people throw things out their car windows when there is a trash can 10 feet away from them. It seems to me that no matter how many times you tell people not to do something they just feel so inclined to do it no matter the reproductions. If we continue treating like planet like trash one day that’s what this planet will become, so we need to make change and find better alternatives. I understand people will be people at the end of the day and that not all this will come to a complete stop but anything you can do to make a difference will help. If only we could get rid of money being an option, it should not cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions to clean up our oceans and help save our planet. Our planet is not everyone’s personal trash bin, so we need to stop treating like it because we are not the only living things on this earth what we do effects everything around us.

There are plenty of organizations out there looking for anyone who is ready to see change and put in work to make sure they see it happen. In order to see change anytime soon we all need to change to way we do things rather it be eliminating all plastic or put more trash cans out or even making decomposable. No matter the solution we all need to realize we have a problem and that it can be fixed we just all have to work together and stop all this pollution we all are creating. We need to act fast because in due time the damage will be irreversible and will be stuck living on a pile of trash for the rest of our lives wishing we would have done something sooner. People will be so stubborn to not care about something like this until it’s too late and wonder how it came to be and not even think about all the times, they could have done something but didn’t.

So, you have somethings to ask yourself to do you really want to live in a world where you are surrounded by trash and breathing in polluted air? Do you really want to just sit and watch it all happen before your eyes or do you want to put in effort to avoid such destruction? I hope I have changed minds and opened eyes to a big problem that is occurring in front of everyone so please take part in the movement to save earth. There is only one earth so why let it become something it is not, please hurry before it’s too late.